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How to Season a Griddle

Properly seasoning a griddle is essential for making perfect pancakes and grilled foods. A griddle usually develops a nonstick surface after a few uses, but you can take steps to hasten the process and ensure your meals are cooked to perfection.


  • Wash the griddle with warm, soapy water using a sponge, and then rinse it with plain water and let it dry.
  • Rub vegetable oil (not olive oil) lightly on the surface with a paper towel to coat it, and then turn the griddle on.
  • Allow the griddle to heat up to 200 to 300°F (93 to 149°C). As it heats up, the oil will form a light coating.
  • When the griddle is fully heated, turn off the burner. Wipe the griddle with a paper towel. It should have a sheen, not an oily shine.
  • Re-season the griddle after every 10-12 uses or if the nonstick surface begins to wear away.