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How to Clean a Griddle

Cleaning a griddle is an easy process that only requires a few steps and basic supplies. Follow these steps for sparkling-clean griddles:

  1. Turn on the griddle and let it heat up. This will burn off any excess grease.
  2. Once the griddle has reached the desired temperature, turn off the heat and let the surface cool, making sure it's not hot to the touch.
  3. Using a wet rag or sponge, wipe the griddle surface. This will remove any loosened grease.
  4. Spray a non-abrasive cleaner on the surface and let it sit for five minutes.
  5. Using a clean, damp rag, scrub the griddle surface. This will remove any stubborn buildup.
  6. Rinse the griddle with warm water and dry the surface with a clean cloth or towel.

Repeat this cleaning process every 2-4 weeks of use to maintain the griddle's lasting performance. With regular cleaning, your griddle will be safe, clean and ready for years of cooking!

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