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Removing Printer Ink from Paper

Here are some tips for removing printer ink from a piece of paper easily and quickly:

  • Start by laying the paper on a flat, dry surface.
  • Using an absorbent paper towel, dab and blot the stained area until the ink has soaked in.
  • Fill a shallow bowl with lukewarm water and mild liquid dish soap, then stir gently to mix.
  • Dip a corner of the paper towel into the soapy water and use it to dab and blot the stained area.
  • Continue dabbing and blotting with the soapy water until the stain has lifted.
  • Rinse in a bowl of clean water, dabbing and blotting with a clean section of the paper towel each time.
  • Gently blot the area dry with a dry paper towel.