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Inking Wash: A Step-by-Step Guide

Inking wash is a fantastic way to create soft, hazy textures that can create beautiful effects in your artwork. Here's a quick guide to help you get started:


  • Gather your materials - you'll need ink, water and a brush.
  • Stir the ink in a cup to mix it with the water.
  • Take your brush and dip it into the cup, then draw a few lines to start your piece.
  • Use the brush and try different amounts of pressure to add and blend lines and shapes.
  • Experiment with different tools to get different effects such as sponges, tissues, or a cloth.
  • Blot the inking wash to get highlights and shadows.
  • Continue to add layers and let them dry before repeating the process to get richer, darker tones.

Inking wash is a versatile and forgiving medium that can create stunning pieces. With practice, you'll soon be able to create amazing artwork!

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