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Restoring and Preserving Paper Documents

Paper documents can quickly become damaged due to sun exposure, moisture, and handling. Fortunately, there are easy steps to help you restore and preserve these valuable assets.


  1. Start by assessing the damage. Watch out for discolorations, tears, water damage, or other signs of deterioration. If the document has been exposed to water, place it in a well-ventilated area so it can dry quickly. Never use a blow dryer.

  2. Seal the document against dust and air. Seal the document in archival paper or enclose it in a smaller envelope. This will help protect it against future damage.

  3. Mend any tears with archival tape, acid free tissue paper, or mending tissue tape. If the tear is significant, take the document to a conservationist and they can help restore it without further damaging the paper.

  4. Carefully clean the document with a soft brush or vacuum. Do not use water, detergent, or any other solvent

  5. Once the document has been cleaned and mended, it is important to store it properly. Find a flat container/envelope made of archival-quality materials such as mylar, polypropylene, and polyester. Avoid using anything made of PVC or polystyrene.


  • Be mindful of re-folding documents. Folding can damage paper - especially documents older than 1970.

  • Store documents in a cool, dark, and dry place.

  • You can wait glue spots or stains on paper by dabbing them with a damp cloth and a pH-neutral soap and using a blotting motion. Do not scrub the document.

  • Avoid using permanent markers or correction fluid on documents.

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