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How to Preserve Beetroot

Beetroot is a nutritious and flavorful root vegetable that can be enjoyed in many dishes. Eating fresh beetroot is a great way to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but if you want to enjoy them year-round, you'll need to preserve them. Here is a step-by-step guide to follow for preserving your beets:

  1. Harvest the beetroots from the garden at the optimal time. Ideal harvest time is around late summer and fall when the beets are still young and tender.
  2. Remove any dirt or debris from the beets using a brush. Don't wash the beets unless absolutely necessary; the extra moisture can cause them to become mushy while they are being preserved.
  3. Cut the beets into desired sizes, such as chunks, slices, or cubes.
  4. Prepare a brine solution in a non-metallic container by combining 2 tablespoons of table salt for every pint of water. Then stir until the salt has completely dissolved.
  5. Stuff the prepared beets into wide-mouth jars and cover them fully with the brine solution.
  6. Seal the jars tightly and store them at room temperature for 6 weeks before transferring them to the refrigerator or a cold storage area.
  7. Enjoy your preserved beets throughout the year in soups, salads, juices, casseroles, and any other dishes you wish to include them in!
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