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Removing Failed Resin Prints from a 3D Printer

3D printing with resin can be very rewarding, but there are times when prints just don't work out as expected. Whether your model isn't sticking to the build plate, didn't print completely, or is warped and distorted, it's important to know the proper way to clean up failed prints.


  1. Put on the necessary safety equipment. Resin printing can require the use of harsh chemicals and fumes and should not be done without proper protection such as a respirator, gloves, and eye protection.
  2. Make sure the print bed is level. This will ensure that the next print you try will have a better chance of success.
  3. Remove the failed print from the build plate. There are a few ways you can do this depending on your printer, but the most common way is to simply loosen the print with a scraper or putty knife then pull it off.
  4. Clean the build plate with lukewarm water and a mild detergent or vinegar solution. This will help remove any leftover bits of failed print and get the build plate ready for the next attempt.
  5. Clean the failed print with isopropyl alcohol to remove any remaining resin. This will reveal any imperfections or anomalies that can be corrected the next time you build.
  6. Discard the failed print safely. Resin prints can be hazardous to the environment if not disposed of properly. Make sure to discard the print in accordance with your local laws and regulations.

How to Remove Failed Resin Prints from Your 3D Printer

Experimenting with 3D printing can be both fun and exciting, but it can also come with its frustrations when things don't quite turn out as planned. The most common problem when it comes to 3D printing with resin is failed prints, which can be especially frustrating since resin is not a cheap material.

Luckily, it's still possible to successfully remove failed resin prints from your 3D printer. With a few simple steps, you can begin the process of recovering your prints and revamping your 3D printing experiences.


  1. Place the 3D printer onto a protecting, flat surface. Make sure the surface is using an absorbent material in order to protect it from any chemicals or spills during the cleaning process.
  2. Pour an appropriate amount of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) onto the affected area from your 3D printer. Place enough IPA onto it to fully submerge the failed print.
  3. Once the area is saturated with the isopropyl alcohol, allow it to sit for at least five minutes. The alcohol should begin to break down the resin part.
  4. Using a pair of tweezers, remove any visible parts of your failed print. Take caution when doing this as the pieces can be fragile.
  5. Once all of the visible parts of your print have been removed, you should then use a diluted solution of water and dish soap. This will help lift any of the remaining residue.
  6. Fill a container with the dish soap and water solution and place your printer onto the surface. Submerge the affected area and use a dish sponge to work away any remaining resin.
  7. Add more IPA to the area and re-immerse the printer for another five minutes. This will ensure that any remaining parts will be fully broken down and easy to remove.
  8. After reducing and removing the failed print and any remaining residue, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any remaining liquid. Make sure that the area is left completely dry.

With the proper sequence of steps and the correct materials, it is possible to successfully remove failed resin prints from your 3D printer. These steps are quick, easy, and can save you time, money, and heartache that comes with failed prints.