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How to Get Resin out of a Bowl

Resin is a sticky substance often formed on smoking devices such as bowls. Sometimes, resin can get so thick that it becomes difficult to light, smokes badly, and even tastes terrible. Fortunately, there are several simple methods to remove that resin, so that your bowl can be used again.

Removing Resin from a Bowl

  1. Try rolling up a small piece of paper towel, and dipping it into some rubbing alcohol or acetone. Then, use the saturated paper towel to scrape the resin off.
  2. If the first method did not work, try soaking the bowl in warm, soapy water. Leave it for 10-15 minutes to loosen the resin, and then use a cotton bud or pipe cleaner to scrape it off.
  3. You can also try using hot water (but not boiling water) to loosen and soften the resin, followed by scraping with a cotton swab or pipe cleaner.
  4. A nylon bristle brush can also help in removing the resin. Dip the brush into a strong alcoholic solution, and scrub the resin off.