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Drying Resin Art

Resin projects can be incredibly rewarding! Whether you pour, cast or layer, these projects can both be used for décor and functional items. With all these options, resin art can be time-consuming. An important step in any resin project is drying resin art. To ensure a perfectly dried and set result, follow these steps:

  1. Mix the resin with the hardener. If you have a large surface, you may need to mix the resin and hardener in batches.
  2. Pour the resin and hardener mixture over the area you want to cover, or else fill a mold for casting.
  3. Spread the mixture gently and evenly with the stirring tool or brush.
  4. Allow the resin to dry, or cure, for at least 12 hours. You may need to leave it overnight depending on the size of the area.
  5. If the surface feels tacky after 12 hours, the temperature may be too cold, or there may be humidity in the air that's affecting the drying process. If needed, use a fan to circulate air and speed up the drying process.
  6. Once the resin has dried, it's safe to handle. But as resin is a plastic, it will remain somewhat flexible for a long time. To fully set the resin, you'll need to finish the project with a curing process.

Now that you've mastered drying resin, you're ready to start your own beautiful projects! To get the most from your resin art, make sure you follow proper curing techniques to ensure a strong, long-lasting project.

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