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How to Preserve Roses in Resin

Preserving roses in resin is a timeless process that has been popular for centuries. It creates beautiful and unique pieces of art that can then be displayed in homes or offices. By taking the steps outlined below, any person can easily preserve roses in resin in a few short hours.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

The first step in this process is to gather the supplies you’ll need. You will need roses, a clear resin such as polyurethane or epoxy, plastic cups or containers, wooden stir sticks, rubber gloves, and a plastic disposable tray to catch any messes. Be sure to choose a resin that is not flammable and is safe to work with.

Step 2: Prepare the Roses

Once all the supplies are together, it’s time to prepare the roses. Start by removing any leaves or thorns that might be present on the roses. If you want the roses to include their stems, let them hydrate in water for at least an hour before beginning the preservation process. Once they are hydrated, carefully remove all petals and store them in a separate plastic container.

Step 3: Measure and Mix the Resin

Measure out the correct amount of resin according to the directions on the packaging and pour it into a plastic container. Make sure to read the instructions and wear the rubber gloves for safety. Then, mix the resin according to the directions and let it sit until it begins to thicken.

Step 4: Arrange the Petals

Once the resin has thickened slightly, it’s time to arrange the petals. Start by pouring a few tablespoons of the resin onto the plastic tray. Then, using the wooden stir stick, arrange the petals in the tray so that the petals are facing up. Take your time to make sure the petals are arranged exactly how you want them.

Step 5: Pour the Resin

Once you’ve arranged the petals, it’s time to pour the resin. If the resin has thickened too much, you can add a few drops of water to thin it out. Then, slowly pour the resin over the petals until they are fully submerged. Let the resin sit until it cools and hardens completely. This usually takes between 24-48 hours.

Step 6: Peel Off the Tray

Once the resin has hardened, carefully peel the tray off the hardened resin. If the resin has curved up the sides of the tray, use your fingers to carefully shape it back into a flat shape. Your preserved rose petals are now ready to be enjoyed and displayed!