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What Are Roses on Hinge?

Roses on Hinge are digital gifts that can be sent to another user to show appreciation. Each rose comes in a different color that can be chosen to represent a different level of admiration or friendship. You can send roses in varying quantities, from a single rose to an expensive cluster of roses. The choice of color and quantity signifies the amount of interest or respect the sender has for the recipient.

Should You Send Them?

Sending roses on Hinge can be a great way to show a potential match you are interested in getting to know them better. It can also be a fun and unexpected way to start a conversation. However, it's important to make sure the other person is open to receiving roses before you send them—not everyone may feel comfortable receiving digital gifts. Additionally, it's important to make sure that you are offering these roses as a genuine gesture and not as a way to gain an advantage in terms of the match.
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