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How to Make Lenticular Prints With Photoshop

Are you looking for a way to create 3D images using Photoshop? Lenticular printing is an image printing technique that uses a lens technology to create dynamic and 3D like prints. Here's a step-by-step guide to making lenticular prints with Photoshop.

Step 1: Create Your Image

Before you start creating the 3D image in Photoshop, make sure you have the right kind of image. Images with shallow depth of field work best for lenticular printing since they have small areas of focus. You can create a shallow depth of field photo using a portrait-style lens. Once you have your image ready, open it in Photoshop.

Step 2: Convert Image Into Layers

Once the image is open in Photoshop, click the “Layer” menu and select “New” and then “Layer from Background.” This will change your image into layers, which you will need for the lenticular printing process.

Step 3: Duplicate The Layers

Now duplicate the layers by clicking the “Layer” menu and selecting “Duplicate Layer.” Repeat this step until you have the desired number of layers. The more layers you have, the better the 3D effect of your image will be.

Step 4: Edit Your Layers

You’ll now need to edit each layer to create the 3D effect. To do this, you’ll need to align and move each layer slightly. Use the Move Tool and the Transform Tool to achieve this. You can also use the “Free Transform” tool to rotate the layers around for a more defined 3D effect.

Step 5: Merge Your Layers

Once you’ve edited all the layers to create the desired 3D effect, you’ll need to merge them together. This can be done by clicking the “Layer” menu and selecting “Merge Visible Layers.” Now you’re ready to save and export your image.

Step 6: Export Your Image

Finally, to export your image, click the “File” menu and select “Save As” to choose the desired file format. Now you’re ready to print your lenticular image using a lenticular printer!


How to Make Lenticular Prints with Photoshop

Lenticular printing is a technique used to create images that appear to have depth, motion, and changes in field of view. By using Adobe Photoshop, you can create lenticular prints that can create realistic 3D and animation effects. To get started, here are the steps you need to take to make a lenticular print with Photoshop.


  1. Start by creating an image sequence in Adobe Photoshop. Begin with the background layer. This will become the base layer in which you create the rest of your sequence. Then add additional layers, using different versions of your image, to the background layer. Create a total of 15-30 layers.
  2. Align the layers from the background to the top layer. You need to make sure that the frame sequence is perfectly aligned so that the number of frames appear even over the entire lenticular print.
  3. Create a layer comp of your image sequence. Layer comps are used to allow you to quickly switch between multiple views of your Photoshop project. For this step, you will need to create a layer comp for each section of your lenticular print.
  4. Duplicate the layer comps which will create new versions of the layer in a different arrangement. This will result in a multiple views of your project.
  5. Generate a lenticular mask. This is a lattice of black dots that will eventually be printed out on transparent film and used in place of standard dot matrix printers.
  6. Print out your lenticular mask. Place your lenticular mask on top of a transparency film and then send it through a standard laser printer.
  7. Cut and affix the lenticular mask to the background layer. This will create an even sequence of frames that will eventually be used to form the lenticular print.
  8. Send your layered background file (step 1) along with the printed lenticular mask to a professional printing service. They will then be able to combine the two and create a lenticular print.


  • Make sure the number of frames in each layer comp is consistent. This will help to ensure that the appearance of the lenticular print is even throughout.
  • Choose a professional printing service that can print lenticular prints with sharp resolution and excellent color accuracy. Higher resolution and accurate colors will result in higher quality prints.