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How to Make a Baby with a Fever Feel Better

Fever is an indication that your baby's body is working to fight off infection. As parents, it can be difficult to see your child experiencing discomfort. Here are some tips on how to help make your baby with a fever feel better:

  • Check for other symptoms. Pay attention to any changes in your baby's behavior or physical body. Does he have a rash? Is there any vomiting or diarrhea?
  • Make sure your baby is getting enough fluids. Give lots of little drinks throughout the day, or if he's old enough to drink from a cup, offer water or an electrolyte-rich beverage.
  • Dress him in lightweight, comfortable clothing. Depending on the room temperature, he may need extra layers or just one lightweight item.
  • Use a fever-reducing medication. Following the instructions on the package, get an appropriate medication and dose for your baby's age and weight.
  • Place a cool cloth on your baby's forehead. Cool compresses are soothing and may help reduce the temperature.

By watching your baby's behavior, responding to his needs, and providing intentional and mindful care, he will soon be feeling better. Monitor your child to make sure he continues to improve and contact his doctor if his fever persists.