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How to Fake a Fever

Faking a fever can be a useful tactic in getting out of school, work, or other obligations. Here are some tips to help make your deception as believable as possible.


  1. Dress warmly. A feverish person is often cold despite a high body temperature. Wearing sweaters, socks, and hats can help create the illusion that you have a fever.
  2. Pale your skin. Walk around in natural lighting to make your skin look pale and healthy. If you need to, use a white foundation to cover up any blemishes.
  3. Take ibuprofen 10 minutes before you need to "fake sick". Taking ibuprofen can reduce some of your body temperature, making it look like you have a fever.
  4. Tell someone you don't feel well. To be convincing, you should tell someone you're not feeling well and that you think you might have a fever.
  5. Act tired and complain of an upset stomach. Fevers often make people feel exhausted and nauseous. Complain of an upset stomach and/or feeling very tired.
  6. Take your temperature. Fake a high temperature by placing the thermometer under a lamp or near a warm object for a few minutes.
  7. Take advantage of your deception. Use your newly found freedom wisely.
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