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9 Ways to Tell If Someone Has a Fever Without a Thermometer

A fever is one of the first signs of illness but can sometimes be hard to detect without a thermometer. Here are nine common signs that may indicate a fever without using a thermometer.

  • Feel the person’s forehead with the palm of your hand to get an approximate sense of where the body temperature is.
  • Check the person’s pulse. If their heart rate is higher than normal it may indicate a fever.
  • Observe if the person needs to be wearing more clothing than normal - this may be an indication of a fever.
  • Observe if the person is having difficulty sweating or if the perspiration is coming out of them in greater amounts than normal.
  • Note if the person’s lips or tongue appears more red than usual.
  • Check to see if the person has flushed skin or is looking grey in tone.
  • Listen to the person’s breathing. If they are breathing too quickly or too deeply this may be a sign of fever.
  • Check for any muscle aches or pains that may not be related to activity.
  • Observe the person for any general feelings of fatigue or restlessness.

These are all common signs that someone may be experiencing a fever and should be further investigated. It is best to seek medical advice if these signs are present.

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