
Dealing with One-Sided Friendships

No one likes to feel like they are doing all the work when it comes to maintaining friendships. A one-sided friendship can be incredibly frustrating and hurtful. Before you decide if the relationship is worth saving, you should take some time to assess it and identify the best way to move forward.


  • Take a Step Back: Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our own emotions in the moment.Take some time to think about the friendship and assess the situation from an unbiased perspective.
  • Tell Your Friend How You Feel: If you have determined that the friendship is one-sided, be honest and tell your friend how you feel. Explain that you have been feeling like you have been carrying the bulk of the workload in the relationship.
  • Try to Negotiate a Compromise: Once you have had a chance to express your feelings, ask if your friend might be interested in creating a more balanced relationship. You can offer suggestions for activities and events that you would both enjoy doing together.
  • Cut your Losses: It is possible that your friend may not be willing or interested in working on the friendship. As difficult as it may be, understand that you may have to accept that and move on.

Though it can be tough managing one-sided relationships, taking the time to evaluate the friendship and write out a plan can help you find the best way forward.