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18 Telltale Signs that You're Feeling Sexual Attraction

Sexual attraction is a powerful, unique emotion that many of us experience in our lives. Knowing that you’re feeling sexual attraction can be a confusing, yet undeniably thrilling feeling. It’s important to recognize the signs that you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone in order to fully embrace and enjoy this emotion. The following 18 telltale signs will help you recognize when you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone.

1. Physical Change

If you’re sexually attracted to someone, you may experience physical changes. Your heartbeat may become more rapid, and you might even start to blush. You may also find yourself feeling inexplicably energized. These physical changes are signs that you’re being drawn to someone on a physical level.

2. Psychologically “Drawn” to the Person

Psychologically, you may feel “drawn” to the person, even without knowing them. This could involve almost an unconscious desire to look at them or be near them. If you find yourself frequently looking over at a certain someone without being able to explain why, it could be a sign that you’re feeling sexually attracted to them.

3. Increased Curiosity

If you feel sexually attracted to someone, they may start to occupy your thoughts more than usual. You may find yourself wondering about details that you don’t know, such as their interests, job, or hobbies, as well as personal details such as where they grew up or if they have a significant other.

4. Unexpected Conversations

If you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone, you may find yourself having conversations with them that you never expected to have. Try not to be too startled if you find yourself suddenly discussing things that aren’t usually topics of conversation, like dreams, hopes, and aspirations.

5. Surprising Body Language

Body language is usually a dead giveaway when it comes to sexual attraction. It’s possible that you’ll find yourself standing or sitting closer to the object of your attraction, and even mirroring their body language. Pay particular attention to eye contact—if you feel the two of you are “locked in” on each other, it could be a sign that there’s something more than friendship going on.

6. Flirtatiousness

It’s quite possible that you’ll start to act much more flirtatious that you normally do when you’re around the person you’re sexually attracted to. Your behavior might change significantly if you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone.

7. Fantasies About the Person

If you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone, you might find yourself fantasizing about them when you’re alone. You may find yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to be with that person, or even feel aroused when thinking about them.

8. More than Friends

When you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone, it’s likely that the two of you will become more than friends. If it feels like you have a physical or emotional connection to the object of your attraction, and it feels different than your other friendships, it could be a sign that you’re feeling sexually attracted to them.

9. Small Gestures

Small gestures often mean a lot when it comes to sexual attraction. If you casually touch the person’s arm during conversation, for example, it could be a sign that you’re feeling more than friendship towards them.

10. Unsurprising Comments

If you’ve developed feelings of sexual attraction for someone, you may find yourself making surprisingly personal comments without realizing it. These comments may be unconsciously directed at the object of your attraction, as if you’re trying to tell them how you feel.

11. A Spark of Excitement

If you feel attracted to someone, you may find yourself feeling a spark of excitement when you’re with them. This could involve feeling nerves in their presence, or feeling a rush of adrenalin when you first lay eyes on them.

12. Imagining Future Scenarios

It’s also possible that you’ll find yourself imagining different future scenarios involving the person you’re attracted to. You might envisage yourself going on a date with them, or even if you’re both in a relationship, imagine what it would be like for the two of you to start a family.

13. Thinking of New Experiences

Sometimes people can become sexually attracted to someone else when they’re planning to try new experiences together. If you find yourself wanting to try something out of your comfort zone, such as rock climbing or skydiving, with the object of your attraction, it could be a sign that you’re feeling sexually attracted to them.

14. A Fondness for Specific Traits

You may find yourself developing a fondness for specific traits in the person who you’re sexually attracted to. It could be a gesture, an expression, or a particular quality like their laughter. If certain traits become increasingly important to you, it could be a sign that you’re getting drawn to them emotionally.

15. Intrigued by Their Developments

If you’re feeling sexually attracted to someone, it’s likely that you’ll become interested in any developments in their life. You may eagerly await the news of their latest promotion, or become elated when they accomplish a major goal.

16. Whether or Not They're Single

Naturally, if you're sexually attracted to someone, you may find yourself curious about whether or not they’re available. You may even become anxious at the prospect of the person being taken. If this feeling seems to become stronger over time, it could be a sign that your attraction is transforming into something deeper.

17. Artistic Interpretations

If the person you have feelings for is particularly inspiring to you in some way, it could be another sign that you’re feeling sexually attracted to them. This could involve making art inspired by the object of your attraction, or writing a poem that touches on your emotions.

18. Thickening of the Air

Finally, feeling sexually attracted to someone can often cause a thickening of the air, so you perceive an intimate atmosphere even when there is none. If you find yourself feeling a bit giddy or shy when the other person is around, it’s likely that your sexual attraction towards them is growing.

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