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How to Tell If A Girl You Like Knows You Like Her Without Telling Her

Figuring out if a girl you like knows that you like her can be difficult if you haven't told her yet. However, there are things you can look for that can give you clues as to whether or not she knows. Pay attention to her body language and how she acts around you—this can say a lot about what she might feel.


  • Pay attention to her gaze. When a person likes you, they will often make eye contact.
  • Notice her body language. When she is around you, pay attention to the way she holds herself. If she's facing in your direction, smiling, and tilting her head in your direction it may be a sign that she likes you.
  • Watch for subtle flirts. Girls show their interest in many ways; she may be playing with her hair, touching your arm casually while talking to you, or laughing when you make a joke.
  • Note her reaction when you do small things for her. That might include holding the door, getting her a drink, or carrying her heavy bag. If she giggles, smiles, or gives you a hug it could be a sign she knows you like her.
  • See if her friends act differently. Friends often know how someone feels about someone else. So, if her friends are giggling and smiling when you two are around each other, it could be a sign that she told them you like her.
  • Look for changes in her behavior. If she has started calling and texting more often when she didn't used to before, or seeks out time to talk with you, then it's likely that she knows.

Overall, being able to tell if she knows that you like her may take some attention and time. But if you pay attention to her body language, reactions, and general behavior, you may be able to figure it out.

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