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Ending a Friendship With Your Best Friend

Ending a friendship with your best friend can be a difficult and painful thing to do, but sometimes it is necessary. If you’ve reached a point where you need to end the friendship, here are some tips to help you through it.


  1. Think about why you are ending the friendship. It is important to evaluate your reasons for ending the friendship and accept them. This will allow you to move on and remain confident in your decision.
  2. Be honest with your friend. Explain why you are ending the friendship and give them a chance to talk about it. Listen to what your friend has to say and be open to reconciliation if that is what they want.
  3. Be kind but firm. You do not have to be harsh, but it is also important to be clear. Make sure that your friend understands that the decision has been made and it is final.
  4. Don’t be drawn in to arguments. If your friend tries to argue with you or convince you to stay friends, stick to your decision. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.
  5. Accept the end. It is important to accept that the friendship is over and move on. Do not look back and dwell on the past.
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