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How to Stop Your Best Friend from Controlling Your Life

Having a controlling best friend can be disempowering and leave you feeling resentful in your relationship. If you want to stop your best friend from controlling your life, you'll need to be assertive and clear about how you feel. Here are a few tips for dealing with the situation:

  • Take a moment to think about the situation. Making changes to your relationship won’t happen overnight. Determine what characteristics of your best friend’s controlling behavior bother you most, then think through solutions.
  • Talk to your best friend about your feelings. Speak respectfully and openly explain how their behavior is impacting you. Be clear about your intentions and be prepared to consider solutions that work for both of you.
  • Be assertive in your decisions. Ask your best friend to respect your choices and decisions even if they don’t agree with them. Be open to their ideas but don’t be afraid to stand your ground and stick to your convictions.
  • Create boundaries and stick to them. If your best friend is constantly trying to tell you what to do, be clear and firm about what you are comfortable with. Taking time to yourself can help create distance and reinforce your boundaries.
  • Focus on yourself and your goals. Stop making your best friend the center of your life. Prioritize taking care of yourself and pursuing your own goals. Remember, it’s ok to put yourself first.

By being assertive and creating clear boundaries, you can start to take control of your life and empower yourself. With effort and understanding from both sides, you can have a healthier and happier relationship with your best friend.

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