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Avoiding Unnecessary Stress by Lightening Up

We often take on more stress than we need in life. While a certain amount of stress is necessary to motivate us to accomplish our goals, too much stress can interfere with our productivity and wellbeing. Fortunately, there are simple methods we can use to lighten up our outlook on life and lighten our stress load.


  1. Identify activities or thoughts that make you smile or laugh. Find time every day to do these things, even if it's only for a few minutes.
  2. Limit exposure to news, media, and other sources that increase negativity and stress. Be mindful of how your daily activities shape your stress levels.
  3. Take a break when needed and do something that uplifts you. Go for a walk outside, listen to music, talk with a friend, or practice yoga.
  4. Let go of trying to control every detail. You can't do this, and it can be a source of unnecessary stress. Remind yourself that the outcome is not always up to you.
  5. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for what we have, rather than focusing on what we lack, can have a profound effect on our outlook.
  6. Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. Practice positive self-talk to help ease the worry and stress life can bring.


  • Allow yourself to take a step back and relax. Life is not meant to feel overwhelming and stressful all the time.
  • Remember to breathe deeply when stress levels rise. This simple physical technique can ground us and help put things into perspective.
  • Try to prioritize activities that are truly important. Think about how the task will benefit you in the long run.
  • Establish a supportive social environment. Connect with people who bring positivity and understanding to your life.
  • Make fun a priority in your life. Doing something enjoyable and creative can help lighten our mood and keep stress levels in check.
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