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How to Stop Taking Zoloft

Treating depression with Zoloft (sertraline) can help ease symptoms and improve your quality of life. However, stopping medication on your own is not recommended and can be dangerous. If you have decided to discontinue Zoloft, consult with your doctor on the best course of action to gradually reduce your dose and manage any adverse reactions. Here's how to safely stop taking Zoloft:

Step 1

Make an appointment with your doctor. Give them honest feedback on how you’ve been feeling while taking Zoloft and the reasons why you wish to stop. Ask them what’s the safest and most effective way to reduce your dosage gradually.

Step 2

Stay on your current dose and routinely monitor your symptoms. Record your thoughts, emotions, and any changes in your physical wellbeing. This will help you and your doctor recognize any potential adverse reactions.

Step 3

Gradually reduce your dosage as prescribed by your doctor. Depending on the amount of time that your doctor deems necessary, your dosage may be reduced by half over the span of a few weeks or more. Regularly report your symptoms during reduced dosage.

Step 4

Continue monitoring your symptoms for a few weeks after the last dosage. Be aware for any withdrawal symptoms such as extreme fatigue, anxiety, and other mood disturbances. Visit your doctor sooner if these occur.


  • When stopping Zoloft, don’t rely on yourself to reduce your dosage and discontinue your medication. Doing so without consulting your doctor can be life-threatening.
  • As you reduce your dosage, monitor any changes in your symptoms and report to your doctor when needed.
  • Choose a doctor that is supportive of your decision and listens to your needs.
  • Be patient and take your time when reducing your dosage to minimize potential side effects.
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