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Ending a Friendship: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ending a friendship is rarely easy. If you need to compose a letter to end a friendship, it's important to do it kindly yet firmly. Use this guide for a useful framework to write your letter.

Step 1: Consider Your Reasons

Before you write the letter, consider your reasons for ending the friendship. Are there any unresolved issues or hurt caused that need to be addressed? Your letter should be honest without being hurtful. Consider what, if anything, you'd like to get out of writing the letter.

Step 2: Choose Your Words Carefully

Once you're clear about what you want, decide on how to say it. Being respectful and considerate in your language is important. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Be brief and direct, avoiding undefined general statements about your friendship.
  • Express your feelings without being judgemental or accusing.
  • If you want to explain why you're ending the friendship, make sure you explain it without attacking the other person.
  • Be honest and be prepared for the other person to have a range of reactions.

Step 3: Write the Letter

Once you've decided what to say, it's time to write the letter. Begin with a respectful greeting. Give yourself some space to write, express yourself, and be heard without the other person interrupting.

Be clear and succinct about why you're writing: "I know this may come as a surprise, but I think it would be best if we ended our friendship." Reiterate your choice to end the friendship and explain why, without attacking. Be as honest and factual as possible.

Close the letter on a positive note and provide an opportunity to accept and acknowledge the end of the friendship. Reaffirm your hope for their wellbeing. End the letter with a respectful sign-off.

Step 4: Send the Letter

Once you're satisfied with the content of the letter, check the spelling and grammar. Send the letter by an appropriate method, such as letter or email. You may choose to speak to the person in person or over the phone, but make sure you do so with kindness and respect.

Ending a friendship can be difficult, but use this guide to help you craft a respectful and thoughtful letter. Remember that words spoken or written without malice can do far less damage than words spoken in anger.

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