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Why Does a Good Cry Leave You Feeling So Exhausted?

Crying is an emotion-filled response that can leave us feeling emotionally and physically drained. It can be a cathartic release, but it can also take a toll. When a good cry washes over us, our bodies and minds can go into overdrive — releasing stress and tensions that have been building up. Physiologically, good cries can trigger a wide range of reactions, including:

  • Stress Hormones: Crying can release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can leave us feeling drained and fatigued after the strong emotional experience
  • Physical Aches and Pains: A good cry can involve sobs, sniffles, and heavy breathing — all of which can cause physical aches and pains. The body’s muscles and nervous system can be put under a lot of strain when we’re crying
  • Eye Strain: With tears and a lot of blinking, our eyes can become tired and strained. Our eyes may feel dry and uncomfortable after a good cry. This can cause further fatigue
  • Hyperventilation: Crying can also lead to hyperventilation — rapid, shallow breathing. This can leave us feeling exhausted, dizzy, and lightheaded. Hyperventilation can also cause fatigue and a sense of exhaustion

As well as feeling tired and exhausted, a good cry can also stir up powerful emotions we may have been trying to push away. After a good cry, we may need to take some time to process our feelings and reflect on what we’ve just experienced. This can also be mentally and emotionally draining.

Overall, a good cry can leave us feeling drained, physiologically and emotionally. It can be a necessary emotional release, but it’s important to remember to take care of ourselves afterwards — to give ourselves some time to recover and reflect.

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