
What is Topical Steroid Withdrawal?

Topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) is a condition characterized by intense itching and rashes that occur after one stops using topical steroids to treat rashes or skin conditions.

What Causes TSW?

After prolonged use of topical steroids, the skin can become "addicted" to the cream and when it's taken away, the skin can experience intense itching, rashes, and redness. This is because the skin is used to having the steroid, and the body struggles to restore its normal balance without it.

How to Treat TSW

The best way to treat TSW is to gradually reduce the strength of the steroid until your skin is no longer dependent on it. This process is called “tapering,” and it is done in consultation with your doctor. Along with tapering, there are also natural remedies you can use to help treat TSW:

  • Using natural skin lotions and soaps instead of those that contain harsh chemicals.
  • Applying cold compresses to the skin to relieve itching and inflammation.
  • Avoiding the outdoors during intense sun exposure.
  • Eating foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties, such as fish and leafy greens.
  • Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Taking supplements to replenish essential vitamins and minerals that may have been depleted during treatment.
  • Visiting a doctor or dermatologist to discuss other medication options, such as anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.