
Tips for Preventing and Treating Twitching Muscles

Twitching muscles usually occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from anxiety to exercise-related fatigue. Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can reduce the occurrence of twitches in the short term, and even make long-term improvements in your overall muscle health.

Preventive Measures

Being proactive when it comes to protecting your muscles can help reduce the occurrence of twitches. Here are some ways to consider:

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • If you smoke, consider quitting to improve overall muscle health.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and drugs that can increase muscle twitches.
  • Exercise regularly; however, avoid intense physical activity that could cause fatigue and twitching.
  • Stretch your muscles before and after exercise.


If you find yourself experiencing twitching muscles, use the following tips to help reduce or stop them:

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Apply a cold compress on the affected area to reduce inflammation.
  • Massage the area with moisturizing lotion or cream.
  • Take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) if necessary.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as meditation and controlled breathing.
  • If you have a medical condition that may be causing the twitches, consider speaking to an appropriate healthcare professional.