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How to Heal a Hangnail Infection

Hangnails can lead to infection, often causing redness, swelling, and pain. If you have an infected hangnail, it's important to start treating it right away to avoid more serious issues. By following a few simple steps, you can rid yourself of the infection and help protect against future hangnail troubles.

Steps for Healing a Hangnail Infection:

  • Gently clip away any hangnails that are present, making sure to use sterilized scissors.
  • Apply an antibacterial ointment, such as Bacitracin or Neosporin, to the infected area several times a day.
  • Wash your hands frequently and use a mild soap to keep the area clean.
  • Soak the infected area in warm, soapy water for three to five minutes, twice a day.
  • Apply a cool compress to help reduce redness and inflammation.
  • Bandage the nail to protect it and help keep it clean.
  • Try taking ibuprofen or aspirin to reduce inflammation.
  • See a doctor if the infection worsens or does not improve after a few days.

Tips for Preventing Hangnail Infections:

  • Keep your hands and cuticles well moisturized.
  • Trim your nails regularly and use a nail file to avoid jagged edges.
  • Be sure to wash and scrub your hands regularly with soap and warm water.
  • Avoid biting or picking at hangnails.
  • Wear gloves when working with water or harsh chemicals.
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