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How to Relax Back Muscles

Our back muscles often become sore as we sit, work, and move throughout the day. Fortunately, it's possible to relieve tight muscles and relax your back with some simple exercises and stretches.

Steps to Relax Your Back Muscles

  • Lie down on a flat, firm surface, such as your bed. Get into a comfortable position, such as on your back with your legs up or flat.
  • Gently stretch your back muscles by slowly moving your arms and legs in the opposite direction. For example, bring one leg slowly up towards your chest while simultaneously bringing one arm upwards.
  • Perform gentle, circular motions with your arms. You can also add shoulder or neck rolls. Move your head slowly and do not rush or overexert yourself.
  • Take deep breaths as you stretch to further relax your muscles. Continue to relax into the stretch and focus on breathing deeply for several minutes.
  • Massage your back, concentrating on particular areas of tightness. Use the thumb, or fingers together, to work along each muscle. Be gentle and start at the base of the neck and work slowly down your back.
  • Finish by taking a few more deep breaths and relaxing your muscles. Remain in this relaxed position for a few more minutes before slowly getting up.

Following the above steps can help you to release the tension in your back and relax the muscles.

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