
What does it mean to be self-entitled?

Self-entitlement is a mindset that is characterized by unrealistic expectations of special treatment and a sense of superiority. People who are self-entitled have a deep-seated belief they deserve more than everyone else and act in ways to gain special privileges or benefits.

Signs and Causes of Self-Entitlement:

  • They take offense at the smallest criticism
  • They assume everyone has the same expectations of them that they have for themselves
  • They believe they should receive special privileges or treatment
  • They feel superior to other people
  • They have difficulty accepting clear boundaries and limits
  • They feel entitled to more resources or respect than they are entitled to
  • They have an inflated sense of self-importance

Causes of Self-Entitlement

Self-entitlement is often the result of a few common causes. People who have been overindulged by parents, have an insecure attachment to their parents, or have experienced privilege may start to develop a sense of entitlement. Additionally, people with poor self-esteem may be more likely to become self-entitled in an effort to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy.

How to Overcome Self-Entitlement

  • Acknowledge Your Privileges: Take the time to reflect on the privileges you have and the advantages you have that others may not.
  • Challenge Your Thoughts: Start to challenge the thoughts that lead you to feeling entitled. Pay attention to when the thought arises and take a step back.
  • Practice Gratitude: Start a practice of intentional gratitude, and be sure to focus on the positives in life.
  • Identify Your NEEDS: Make a list of your needs and wants and separate them. Reframe your perspective by only asking for the needs.
  • Stay Away from Comparisons: Resist the urge to compare yourself with others and focus on yourself instead.