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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Relationship?

It's normal for relationships to go through highs and lows, but sometimes, couples can find themselves in a pattern of self-sabotage that can bring their relationship to an end. Here are a few telling signs that you might be heading towards relationship disaster.

Withdrawing Emotionally

If you find yourself feeling disconnected and emotionally distant from your partner, it may be a sign that you are pushing away from the relationship for fear of being hurt or vulnerable. This could stem from past hurts or from lack of trust in your current partner and can affect your relationship deeply if left unchecked.

Communication Breakdown

Sometimes when we're worried or worried about being hurt, we bottle up and stop communicating openly. This may start small, but ultimately this can lead to bigger issues like feelings building up and passive-aggressive comments or behaviour. If you find yourself avoiding talking and unable to discuss issues openly, it may be an indication that you're afraid of expressing yourself and facing potential pain.

Constant Negativity

Negativity can come in many forms, from being overly critical of your partner or situations related to them to focusing on their faults rather than their strengths. This is often a reflection of one’s own lack of self-confidence, leading to feelings of inadequacy and deep insecurity, and can cause a significant strain on your relationship.

Unhealthy Phyical Contact

While physical contact can be a source of connection and intimacy, it can also be a way of self-sabotaging. If your relationship struggles with unhealthy physical contact, such as pushing boundaries that make your partner uncomfortable, this could be an indication that you need to reevaluate yourself and the relationship.

Inability to Commit

Fear of commitment is often linked to fear of change, fear of being hurt again and fear of vulnerability. Inability to commit to plans, commitments or even allowing yourself to be vulnerable can be a sign that you’re stuck in a negative cycle and sabotaging your relationship.

Paying Too Much Attention to Other People

Another way in which people can inadvertently sabotage relationships is by paying too much attention to other people. Whether it’s diffusing arguing with your partner by looking at other people - or even actively flirting - this can be a sign of self-sabotage and can have devastating consequences in a relationship.

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