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Signs Your Karmic Relationship is About to End

Perhaps you sense something isn’t quite right between you and your partner, yet it’s hard to pinpoint why. If your relationship fits the description of a karmic one – fast-moving and passionate yet tumultuous and even destructive at times – here are some clues that your journey together may be coming to an end.

  • The intensity of your relationship has suddenly diminished.
  • Your common interests have lost their appeal.
  • You’ve become emotionally disconnected.
  • You have drastically different viewpoints.
  • You find yourselves in a cycle of conflict.
  • You lose respect for each other.
  • The physical chemistry has died.
  • You’re avoiding each other.
  • You find yourselves forcing conversations.
  • You’re ignoring your needs.
  • You feel like something is missing.
  • You’re thinking about life without them.

These pieces of evidence suggest that it may be time to look at your circumstances realistically and start exploring healthier ways of relating. Once you’ve come to terms with the end of your relationship, you can begin to move on and use what you’ve learnt to grow and create more meaningful connections in the future.

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Signs Your Karmic Relationship is About to End

A karmic relationship is often intense but can come to an end. If you’re in a karmic relationship, you may need to look for signs that it’s coming to a close. Pay attention to the following signals:

  • The relationship becomes draining or difficult – Karmic relationships often require a lot of balance and effort. If the balance has been lost and your relationship is becoming overly difficult, it may be time to move on.
  • You don’t recognize yourself – In karmic relationships, we often see someone as better than ourselves. However, if you can’t recognize your own qualities and values, it’s time to rethink the relationship.
  • A feeling of stagnancy – Karmic relationships require change and growth. If you feel like you’re not going anywhere, it’s time to reassess.
  • You keep repeating patterns – Karmic relationships often repeat patterns that the two involved parties have in common. If you keep repeating patterns with your partner, it’s time to break away.
  • Trust has been compromised – Trust is essential in any relationship, and if it has been compromised in yours, it’s time to move on.

By being aware of these signs, you can gain clarity in your karmic relationship and determine if it’s time to call it quits.

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