
What is Overcommitment?

Overcommitment is a situation where an individual or a team takes on more projects, tasks, or responsibilities than can realistically be finished on time. It may mean trying to cram too much into too little time, overworking oneself, or taking on commitments without the resources or time needed to complete them. It can often lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Causes of Overcommitment

Overcommitment often results from a desire to please others, habitually saying yes without properly gauging one’s capacity and limitations, underestimating the time needed to achieve a goal, or taking on too many tasks simultaneously.

How to Handle Overcommitment

  • Identify your commitments and track your time.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Learn to delegate or outsource.
  • Be organized and plan ahead.
  • Say no to commitments that are not in line with your goals.
  • Don't let your perfectionism take over.
  • Take regular breaks.