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Dealing with Being Dropped from a Sports Team

It may be tough to deal with at first, but being dropped from a sports team does not have to be the end. Here are some tips on how to handle the disappointment.

1. Maintain Perspective

Sports are important, but in the grand scheme of things, being dropped from a team is a minor setback. It's important to keep the experience in perspective in order to move on.

2. Acknowledge your Feelings

It is normal and natural to feel hurt, embarrassed or angry. Take care to express those feelings in a safe and helpful environment, like talking to a friend or family member.

3. Reflect on your Performance

If you can, take the time to reflect on what could be improved on your performance, and come up with plans to prepare you for any future tryouts.

4. Take a Break

Take a break. Do something that brings you joy, like listening to music, going for a walking, or painting. Consider the things you’re thankful for and concentrate on the positive parts of life.

5. Explore Other Options

Find another team or activity to focus on. You may also consider participating in group coaching sessions or personal training for a different sport or physical activity.

6. Stay Positive

Although you may be feeling down, it's important to stay positive. You can still experience that same team spirit by participating in intramural or pick-up games in your community.

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