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How to Handle Being In Love With Two People

Are you in a complicated situation where you are in love with two people? Here are some tips to help you navigate the situation:

  • Understand your feelings. Take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings for each person. Make sure to give yourself the space to really think about your relationships with each person you are in love with.
  • Communicate your feelings. Speak to each of the people individually and openly explain how you feel. It is important to keep in mind that either person can be hurt or feel confused by the situation.
  • Think about what you need. Consider what would make each situation sustainable. You are the only one who can decide what is best for your emotional health.
  • Be respectful. When speaking to each person, be sure to fully understand what they are saying, listen attentively, and respect their needs. Only make decisions with the other person in mind.
  • Make a decision. Ultimately, you will need to decide which relationship makes the most sense to pursue. This can be a difficult, emotional decision, so be sure to give yourself the time and understanding you need to get through the process.
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