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How to Tell when Salmon Is Cooked

Learning to tell when your salmon is cooked is simple when you keep an eye out for several signs. Ready-to-eat salmon will be flaky, have a moist texture, and easy to separate with a fork. Follow these instructions to make sure your salmon is cooked perfectly.


  1. Check the color of the flesh. If the salmon is cooked, its flesh will be slightly opaque and beige-pink. Raw salmon will have a brighter pink hue.
  2. Cut the salmon in half. Do this with a sharp knife from the top of the fish to its bottom. Examine the appearance and texture of the center of the salmon. Cooked salmon should be firm in texture with no signs of raw marbling.
  3. Gently separate the flesh using a fork or knife. Cooked salmon will separate into large flakes easily.
  4. Touch the salmon to see if it’s firm. If it feels a bit spongy, it needs to cook a bit more.
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