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How to Cook Salmon Fillet

Salmon is a delicious, healthy and flavorful meal to make for your family or for any special occasion. Cooking a salmon fillet is easy and the results are always savory and tender.


  1. Bring a large pot of salted water (about one tablespoon of salt per two quarts of water) to a boil.
  2. Place the salmon fillet into the pot, making sure to keep the top side of the fillet facing up while cooking.
  3. Cook the salmon for about five minutes per inch of thickness, or until it is a light pink color. Use a sharp knife to check the inside of the fillet to make sure that it is done.
  4. Drain the salmon after it is finished cooking. Place it on a plate or serving dish.
  5. Season the salmon. Drizzle a light olive oil over the salmon and season with salt, pepper, and a few slices of lemon to garnish the plate.

Enjoy your perfectly cooked, juicy and tender salmon fillet! Be sure to store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.

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