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How to Tell if Salmon Has Spoiled

Salmon is a delicious and nutritious fish, but it can spoil quickly if not stored and cooked properly. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs that will let you know if your salmon has gone bad. Here are the signs to look out for:

  • Smell: Salmon should have a mild, pleasant smell. If your salmon smells sour or develops an off odor, it's likely gone bad.
  • Color: Fresh salmon should have vibrant reddish-pink flesh. If the color has lightened or developed an off-shade, the salmon may be spoiled.
  • Texture: Fresh salmon will be firm and springy to the touch. If the flesh is discolored, slimy, or mushy, this is a sure sign that it's not fresh.

If you see any of the signs listed above, discard the salmon immediately and avoid eating it.

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