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How to Act When Your Significant Other Finds Out You Self Harm

Learning that your significant other knows that you are self-harming can be overwhelming. You may feel ashamed, guilty, and embarrassed. You may worry that your significant other will judge or reject you. Fortunately, it’s possible to build trust and strengthen your relationship by having an honest and open conversation with your partner about your self-harm.

Here are a few tips for how to act when your significant other finds out you self-harm:

  • Acknowledge your partner’s feelings. Your partner may have a lot of emotions and need to express them. Let them know it’s okay to express their thoughts and feelings about your self-harm.
  • Be honest with your partner. Tell your partner the truth about the extent of your self-harming behaviors, without going into too much detail. Let them know what help you are receiving and how you are managing it.
  • Reassure your partner. Let your partner know you understand and respect how they feel and that you can move forward together. Share the steps you are taking to stop self-harming and the support you are getting.
  • Address any misconceptions. Explain the reasons behind your self-harming behavior and answer any questions your partner has. Reassure them that your self-harming behavior does not mean that you do not care for them or about your relationship.
  • Be open to suggestions for how to help. Encourage your partner to get involved in helping you through your recovery. Listen to your partner’s advice and display your appreciation for their willingness to help.
  • Listen to your partner’s perspective. If your partner has negative feelings about your self-harming, allow them to express those feelings without judgment. Show your partner respect by listening and trying to understand where they’re coming from.

No matter what, keeping the lines of communication open with your significant other is the key to managing this situation. Honesty, understanding, and communication can help you both work through this difficult time.

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How to Act When Your Significant Other Finds Out You Self-Harm

Finding out your partner self-harms can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. It’s important for you to be patient and kind, to avoid judgement, and to offer support and understanding. Here are some tips for how to react when your significant other discloses that they self-harm:

  • Reassure your partner that you care for and love them, and that you are here for them.
  • Talk openly with your partner, allowing them to express their feelings without judgement.
  • Encourage your partner to seek professional help if needed.
  • Offer to go to therapy or doctor's appointments with your partner to show your support.
  • Help your partner identify what triggers them to self-harm, and talk with them about healthier ways to cope.
  • Let your partner know it’s okay to take time for themselves to take care of their mental and physical needs.

Ultimately, self-harm is a sign of deep emotional pain that needs to be addressed. Show your partner empathy and understanding as you take steps to help them find healthier coping strategies.

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