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How to Comfortably and Safely Hide Self-Harm Scars

Self-harming is an incredibly personal issue, and one that numerous individuals struggle with around the world. For some, scars from past episodes of self-harming can be a painful reminder, as well as a source of insecurity. If you're living with self-harm scars, here are some tips on how you can hide them comfortably and safely:

  • Choose clothing that lightly skims your skin, rather than tight-fitting clothing that outlines your body's contours. Long sleeves may be particularly helpful for avoiding drawing attention to self-harm scars.
  • Try to choose lightweight fabrics that don’t cling to your skin, such as cotton, which will help to reduce friction. Avoid man-made fabrics like polyester and nylon, which can often be more abrasive.
  • Think about using make-up to conceal your scars. Skin-coloured concealer is perfect for disguising small and shallow scars, while water-based foundations can be used to even out skin tone and cover larger and deeper scars.
  • You might want to consider more permanent options, such as getting the scarred area lasered in a skin clinic. Request an appointment with an experienced specialist who is aware of the particular needs of self-harming.
  • Finally, it can be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings of insecurity. Reach out and share your worries and concerns with a close friend or family member who is understanding and non-judgmental.

It's ok to feel apprehensive about living with scars from self-harm. Adopting any of the above techniques can help to make dealing with self-harm scars a bit easier.

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