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How to Propagate Grevilleas

Grevilleas are a popular type of Australian shrub and tree that are often used for landscaping. Propagating Grevilleas can be a great way to build and expand your garden, and it is possible to create new Grevilleas from cuttings or seeds.

Using Grevillea Seedlings

  • Find a specimen of Grevilleas from which you would like to take a cutting. Grevilleas are mature enough to start taking cuttings from when they achieve a height of 1-2 metres.
  • Choose a 2-4 node cutting that has both leaves and buds on it. Cut the piece approximately 15 cm long, making sure that it is sharp enough to penetrate the soil.
  • Prepare a potting mix of soil, sand and vermiculite in a 1:1:1 ratio in a large pot, or plant it directly into prepared garden soil. Plant the cutting at a depth such that the base of the cutting is below the soil's surface.
  • Water the freshly potted cutting with a diluted mixture of manure or an organic liquid fertilizer in order to give it a nutrient boost.
  • Place the potted plant in a sheltered but sunny location. Make sure to keep the soil moist, but not over-saturated.
  • Once the new Grevillea has sprouted and begun to grow, it should be transplanted to its desired location.

Using Grevillea Seeds

  • Obtain Grevillea seeds from a seed nursery, or from mature Grevillea plants.
  • Fill a pot with a seed-raising mix, such as a potting mix with slow-release fertilizer and water retaining granules added. Moisten the soil with luke-warm water.
  • Sow the seeds about 5 mm deep in the moist soil, aiming for one seed per 10 cm of pot diameter.
  • Cover the pot with a sheet of glass to keep humidity levels, and keep the pot in a sheltered, sunny location.
  • Germination should begin within a few weeks. When the Grevillea seedlings have grown to 3-4 inches in height, transplant them to their desired location.
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