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How to Propagate African Violets

African violets are prized for their gorgeous colours and tidy foliage. Propagating your violets is an easy, rewarding task that will give you more beautiful blooms for your garden. Follow these simple steps to propagate your African violets.

Step 1: Prepare Your Plant

Gently remove the plant from its pot, taking care not to disturb the roots. If the soil is dry, water it thoroughly before attempting to remove the plant. Using a sharp knife, prune the root-ball of the plant into three or four evenly-shaped sections.

Step 2: Replant

Fill a new pot, about 4 inches in diameter, with African violet potting mix. Place one of the sections in the new pot and cover it with soil. Water the new plant from the bottom with a teaspoon. Allow the plant to drain and refill the pot with more soil, firming down the soil gently. Water the soil again. The new pot should be placed in a warm, sunny spot and watered regularly.

Step 3: Care for Plants

The new plant should be kept at a temperature of around 68-77°F and watered regularly. Water from the bottom and allow the plant to drain. Feed with an African violet or other fertilizer every two weeks during its growing season.

Step 4: Enjoy

Your African violet will start flowering within a few weeks and with the right care should bloom regularly for you to enjoy. Over time, you will need to re-pot the plants as they become too big for their pot.

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