
Back Up Your OneDrive on a Mac

Backing up your OneDrive on a Mac is a straightforward process and requires a few simple steps. With these few steps, you can securely keep your files and documents backed up offsite.

Export OneDrive on a Mac

Exporting files from OneDrive on a Mac is an easy task and requires less time to complete. You can easily export the OneDrive making sure all the data is safe and secure.

Restore OneDrive on a Mac

If you ever need to restore your OneDrive on a Mac, the process is very similar to the back up process. To restore your files to the OneDrive, you'll need to use the same service you used to back up your OneDrive.

Step-by-Step Guide to Backup, Export, and Restore OneDrive on Mac

  1. Open Finder on your Mac.
  2. Go to the OneDrive folder on your Mac.
  3. Highlight the files you want to back up.
  4. Select 'Copy' from the Finder's 'Edit' menu.
  5. Go to an external drive, cloud storage or an online backup service and select 'Paste' from the menu.
  6. Once the back up is complete, go back to Finder and select 'Export' from the Finder's 'File' menu.
  7. Choose the folder you want to export as an archive file.
  8. Select 'Save' and wait for the export process to complete.
  9. To restore your OneDrive, use the same service you used to back up the files.
  10. Select the files you want to restore and click 'Restore'.
  11. Wait for the files to restore to your OneDrive.