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How to Check for Lice

Lice can cause intense itching and discomfort — Here's how to check for an infestation:

  • Part the hair into small sections. During the daytime, lice can often be seen easily. Carefully look and inspect each section for small, tan or gray bugs. Lice can be especially difficult to notice in dark hair.
  • Identify which type of lice has infested. Head lice are small, grayish-white bugs, while body lice are the same color, but a little larger.
  • Gently comb through each section of the hair using a lice comb. A lice comb has tiny metal teeth that help detect and remove eggs from the hair.
  • Place a white folded sheet over a dark surface before combing. This helps the nits, or eggs, stand out. Inspect the comb for eggs after every few strokes. Scrape them off on the sheet.
  • Check the scalp for signs of nits. Grayish-white eggs may be firmly attached to individual hairs close to the scalp. Regular combs do not effectively detect them.

If there is an infestation, consult a doctor or talk to your pharmacist about treatments.