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How to Get Rid of Lice Without Your Parents Knowing

If you’ve discovered that you have lice, it’s normal to feel embarrassed and want to keep it a secret from your parents. However, it’s important to understand that having lice does not imply you’re “dirty” or that it is a sign of neglect – lice is an inconvenience for anyone, and can spread quickly if not treated. Here are a few steps you can take to begin the process of lice removal in a discreet way.


  1. The first step you should take once you’ve identified lice on your head is to purchase an over-the-counter lice removal product. Look for a shampoo or another product that works quickly and effectively, and look for instructions and warnings on the packaging.
  2. Once you’ve acquired the product, you can begin the treatment in private. If you’re uncomfortable in your own bathroom, you can use a friend or family member’s bathroom, or even a public restroom.
  3. Once you’ve followed the product instructions and removed any lice and eggs from your head, it’s important to complete the removal process. This includes washing the sheets, clothing, towel and other items you’ve used with hot water to remove any remaining eggs. Laundering all items recently used can help prevent reinfection and slow the spread of lice.
  4. Finally, you may want to inspect other family members or other people who you’ve been in contact with to make sure the lice has not spread. If needed, repeat the hard you just took for each person.
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