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How to Treat Head Lice with Vinegar

Head lice infestation can be an embarrassing condition to face, but thankfully vinegar can be used to treat head lice.


  • Thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo.
  • After washing with shampoo, prepare a mixture of vinegar (white or apple cider vinegar) and water in equal parts in a bowl.
  • Pour the vinegar mixture over the head and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on the head for 20 minutes.
  • Using a comb, remove the dead lice from the hair.
  • Rinse the hair with clean water.
  • Apply conditioner to the hair.
  • Repeat the process every few days to eliminate the remaining lice eggs.

Vinegar can be used to successfully treat head lice infestations. Washing and treating the hair with the vinegar solution every few days until all the lice are gone is recommended in order to ensure the complete elimination of the infestation. It is important to remember to follow the instructions carefully, and to use a comb to remove the dead lice from the hair.