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Checking a Child's Hair for Lice

Lice infestations can occur in children and even adults, though they are more common in those between the ages of 3 and 12. To properly check a child's hair for lice, you'll need to take a few steps to ensure you don't miss any of the pests.


  • Lay a white sheet over the child on a bed or couch. You'll be able to more easily spot lice against the contrasting white background.
  • Check the child’s scalp, parting the hair in several locations. Look for dark specs, as lice are relatively small.
  • Look for lice “nits”, which are almond-shaped louse eggs that cling to the base of the hair shafts. Check the back of the neck and around the ears for these eggs.
  • Use a fine-toothed comb to comb through the hair or sections that can be treated with anti-lice shampoo.

If you do find lice, inform the child's parents and/or doctor for the best treatment options. The child can be prescribed anti-lice shampoo or some home remedies such as oil, tea tree oil or vinegar can help get rid of lice.

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