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Train Your Cat Not to Scratch the Furniture

Scratching furniture is a natural behavior for cats, so it can take some work to break the habit. With practice, training, and patience, you can teach your cat to keep its claws off your furniture.

Steps to Train Your Cat

  1. First, provide your cat with its own scratching post. Cats are naturally drawn to scratching on things, so give your cat a better alternative to your furniture and decor. Place the scratching post near their favorite perch, so it entices them to use it.
  2. When your cat starts to scratch on your furniture, distract them with a toy or with their scratching post. Keep moving the post around, so they find it interesting and want to move over to it. Offer them treats or toys when they use the scratching post to reinforce the behavior.
  3. Clap or make loud noises when you catch your cat scratching on the furniture. This startles them, and they'll quickly learn that they don't do this behavior in your presence.
  4. Cover areas of the furniture that your cat is most likely to scratch with sticky tape. This will make the surface uncomfortable for them and discourage them from scratching.
  5. Reward your cat for not scratching the furniture with treats, toys, and extra playtime. This will reinforce the behavior you want to see.
  6. Be patient and consistent with your training. If you scold your cat for scratching the furniture, make sure to do it the same way each time. This will help keep things consistent and enforce the behavior you're looking for.
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