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Pro Tips to Discourage Your Cat from Climbing on the Curtains

Cats often climb on curtains because they like heights and want to explore. While it may be fun for them, it can be frustrating if the curtains get damaged or disturbed. Here are some pro tips to help stop your cat from climbing on the curtains:

  • Provide alternative places for your cat to explore. Purchase a tall cat tree and put it near the curtains. If your cat has something else to climb on that is much more appealing, they will be less likely to climb the curtains.
  • Put double-sided tape on the curtains. Most cats strongly dislike the feeling of sticky surfaces and will avoid them. If your cat does try to climb the curtains anyway, they will be quickly discouraged.
  • Spray your cat with a water bottle when they approach the curtains. Make sure you only do this when you catch your cat about to climb the curtains - a lot of cats don’t mind water, so make sure it’s used as a deterrent rather than a punishment.
  • Play with your cat when they are near the curtains. Give them a laser pointer or a wand toy to direct their attention away from the curtains and onto something much more fun.
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Training Your Cat Not to Climb on the Curtains

Are your curtains starting to get out of shape from your cat's climbing antics? Here are some tricks you can use to train your furry friend not to scale your curtains.

Step 1: Use a Scratching Post

Tempt your cat away from the curtains by offering a better alternative. Place a scratching post near your curtains so that the cat's attention is diverted away from them.

Step 2: Reward Positive Behavior

When you catch your cat scratching the post rather than the curtains, reward them with treats or physical affection. This will incentivize good behavior.

Step 3: Cover the Curtains in a Distasteful Substance

If your cat is still determined to climb the curtains, try spraying them down with a scent or substance that cats find distasteful. This could be citrus or menthol. Cats typically do not like those odors, so the curtains will be less attractive.

Step 4: Recreate the Reactions Associated With Climbing

Whenever your cat climbs on the curtains, make sudden, loud noises to startle them off. This will cause them to associate the sensation of climbing with something unpleasant.

Step 5: Be Patient

Training your pet takes patience and consistency. Be consistent in how you react whenever they go near the curtains, and don’t give in to bad behavior. With time, your cat will get the message.

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Training Your Cat to Not Climb on The Curtains

Having newly decorated curtains can be exciting but it quickly loses its appeal if your cat’s claws are ruining them. Training your cat out of this habit is possible with patience and the right approach.


  1. Gently discourage your cat from climbing or scratching on the curtains. Say “No” or clap your hands to startle them off. Do not use physical punishment such as hitting or yelling.
  2. Provide an alternative for your cat to scratch or climb. Place a scratching post or cat tree in the vicinity of the curtains. Make sure the post or tree is more appealing to your cat than the curtains.
  3. Keep everything else similar to your cat’s normal routine. If your cat is used to access to the window, make sure not to deprive them of this opportunity.
  4. Reward your cat with treats when they go to the post or tree instead of the curtains.
  5. Ignore any scratching or climbing at the curtains. This will not reinforce bad behavior. Instead, re-direct your cat’s attention to the post or tree.
  6. Reinforce positive behavior when your cat uses the post or tree. Praise them, give treats, or offer affection.

With patience and consistency you can train your cat to refrain from climbing or scratching on the curtains. It will take time, but your newly decorated curtains will stay looking better for longer.

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