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Training Your Cat to Come When Called

Teaching your cat to come when called requires training, patience, and lots of positive reinforcement! By helping your cat learn to respond to their name, you can teach them to come to you when called, giving you a safer and closer relationship with your pet.


  1. Start by having your cat nearby while you call its name. Make sure the tone is upbeat and friendly. Reward them with treats whenever they turn their attention to you.
  2. Provide verbal encouragement as you say your cat’s name. You want to sound excited and happy when saying your cat’s name.
  3. Make sure your cat earns the treat after looking in your direction for a few moments.
  4. Repeat the process every day, always rewarding your cat once it turns to look at you. In time, your cat will associate the sound of their name with reward and recognition.
  5. Once your cat is responding to its name consistently, start calling your cat from farther away and giving them the reward once they come to you.
  6. Be sure to give them a treat every time they come to you after being called.
  7. Improve your pet's recall by never calling them to come only to scold. This will help create a positive association with their name.
  8. Call your cat to you before mealtime; cats love food and will associate the sound of their name with a reward.
  9. Gradually increase the distance between you and your pet until they come to you when called.
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Train Your Cat to Come to You

Cats are known for being independent creatures, but that doesn't mean they can't be taught to come when called. Training your cat can be a great way to create a bond between the two of you and it can come in handy if your cat has the tendency to wander away from home.

Step 1: Create a Positive Association with Your Voice

The first step in training a cat to come to you is to create an association between your voice and something positive. When you call, reward the cat when he or she comes to you with treats and/or affection. Doing this regularly will help your cat understand that your voice means something good.

Step 2: Use a Clicker or a Verbal Cue

Using either a clicker or a verbal cue, such as "Come here!" -- paired with a treat -- can help your cat understand when you want him/her to come. As your cat learns the command, begin to omit the a treat as a reward and replace it with affection.

Step 3: Practice Makes Purr-fect

Once you've established a positive association and are using a verbal cue, it is time to start practicing. Begin by calling your cat in a quiet room and rewarding them when they come to you. As your cat gets better, start using the cue in different areas of your home, such as the living room or kitchen. The key is to be consistent and remain patient as you practice with your cat.

Step 4: Keep it Fun

Making sure the training sessions are fun and rewarding is key to your cat's success. The more your cat enjoys coming to you, the more likely they will be to come when you call. So, keep the treats coming and have fun in the process!

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