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Leash Training Your Cat

Leash training a cat can be a fun way to explore the outdoors together with your furry companion. The process can easily be learned with patience and understanding, and involves a few simple steps.


  • Start indoors by introducing your cat to their new collar and leash. Let them scent and adjust to the products before trying to attach it.
  • Build a positive association with the leash by incorporating rewards such as a favorite treat, pet, or a toy.
  • Monitor the amount of activity and take frequent breaks.
  • Maintain a consistent routine and response when training.
  • Remain calm and provide verbal encouragement during the training.
  • Stay safe by avoiding areas known for potential hazards (e.g., cars, wild wildlife, or toxins).


  1. Attach the collar and leash to your cat. Start indoors with a light-weight harness or collar and a four- to six-foot leash. Let your cat explore the products before attempting to attach them.
  2. Introduce a cue word or phrase. Choose a cue word or phrase and pair it with giving your cat a treat. For example, say the cue word while giving your cat a treat. Repeat until your cat responds to the phrase.
  3. Walk your cat indoors. Begin leash training your cat at home in an enclosed, safe space. Make sure to go at a slow pace and keep the leash slack. Utilize the cue word or phrase you previously developed while still rewarding your cat with a treat.
  4. Progress to outside. Gradually begin taking walks outside. Start with areas with minimal distractions. During the walk, make sure to keep the leash slack and go at a slow pace. If your cat becomes fearful, gradually move out of the area.
  5. Groom your cat regularly. Grooming your cat helps make them comfortable with wearing their harness. Spend time regularly brushing their fur and checking their collar.
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